lucila soto

Just another WordPress weblog

In the Meantime March 9, 2012

Filed under: lost & found — Lucila Soto @ 5:56 pm

Starbucks planet
May life take you far,
Transform your mind,
Open it wide.
May you be who you are,
In all freedom,
In all truthfulness,
In all acceptance.
May you keep looking,
Hungrily, feverishly, madly.
May we be together again,
Aleatory, unexpectedly.
Paired with a freshly pressed cuppa,
in that, our corner of the Starbucks planet.




The things we do (to Jorge, my brother)

This we do for us, only for us, ourselves and I.

We cry, we sweat, we excel.

We do not agree, we are not satisfied

We do not conform.

This we do for us, only for us, ourselves and I.

We feel proud, we glow, we shine brighter than before,

and then we smile.

Because we are in search of ourselves this we do:

we go back to our roots, we listen within and we nurture

what we once were told.